Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blogworthy Flick: The Time Traveler's Wife

I had a chance to finally watch this last night on DVD, and I must say I was very pleasantly surprised. After reading the novel by Audrey Niffenegger several years ago, I remember thinking it would make a great movie, but not sure if anyone would be able to pull it off (if you've read the book, you know what I mean). To top that off, the mixed reviews the movie received when it was released last August put me off for awhile. I loved the book and didn't want to ruin a good thing.

The plot centers around a man named Henry, born with a genetic disorder that causes him to travel through time. When he travels, he seems to be drawn to significant people, places, or events in his life, but is never able to change what has occurred. When he is in his 20s, he meets a woman named Clare at the library where he works, and though he does not know her, she has known him her entire life, having met him when she was six years old in a meadow, when he traveled back in time specifically to set her up for their meeting later in life. Confused? Don't worry, it all comes together. The story is about Henry and Clare's lives together and the frustrations the couple endures due to his random absences.

There were some definite differences between the book and the movie (which I won't ruin for anyone), but overall I have to say this movie pulled me in and kept me interested throughout. Rachel McAdams was lovely as always, and Eric Bana, who I was unfamiliar with other than having seen him in Star Trek, proved to be a noteworthy actor. The movie has the definite potential to be a tearjerker, and screams "date movie". It's an interesting mix of romance and science fiction.

If you're going to see this movie, I would definitely recommend setting aside specific time to watch it, as it can be confusing at times if not followed carefully. I would not recommend multi-tasking while watching this one (something I am often guilty of).

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