Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Spoiled Pets

I wanted to share with you all my lovely animals. I have had pets my entire life, and now is no exception. At some point in my life (not all at the same time!!) I have had dogs, cats, birds, fish, hamsters, gerbils, iguana, mice, and frogs. We are a little light on the animal side right now at my house, and it is working well for us.

I will start with my fish. Fish are the one animal I always have. Even when I am at a time in my life without any furry friends, I at least have my aquarium. Right now I just have a tiny 2 gallon tank filled with zebra and leopard danios, nothing too fancy, but boy they are hardy and low maintenance! And I apologize, but this picture of them was really hard to capture as they are fast:

Next up is my betta (Siamese fighting fish), Tony Soprano. I have had him for over 3 years, and I recently upsized him to this chic wall-mounted "apartment":

And my neice's betta fish, Jasmine (even though he is a male. We won't tell her.)

Next up is my Shih-tzu, Mopsi. She's very, very spoiled and actually belongs to my parents, not me. But when I was telling my dad I was going to write about my pets, he said I needed to include her. She's very sweet. She's like a teddy bear! A smart, LOL, but her sweetness and cuteness makes up for it.

Last but most certainly not least is my princess kitty, Cozy, short for Cosette. I adopted her from the animal shelter when she was 4 1/2 weeks old, and had to hand feed her bites of wet kitten food for the first 3 weeks I had her. She is the friendliest cat I have ever had, mostly as a result of the time and care I took with her when she was so little. I have had her for 8 years and cannot imagine my life without her. She is the first pet I got that was just mine, solely my responsibility to raise, and I am very proud of the results.

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