Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Birthday Haul

My birthday was Monday, and I wanted to post the lovely gifts given to me by friends and family. First, a group pic, and I apologize for the quality as I snapped these at about 10pm and the lighting just is not good in any part of my house at that hour:

And now individual pics. First up, a custom made MP3 player presented to my by my work. I can't wait to load this up and take it jogging:

The Coach cupcake keyfob I have been lusting after, given to me by my baby sister (and as of this posting, available at

An Arte Glass pendant that I just adore, also from sis (pics do not do this justice):

A novelty vampire necklace from one of my BFF's, as I love all things vampire:

Gift cards for Subway (YUM) and itunes (I love gift cards!!):

Eat This, Not That: Restaurant Survival Guide from another really good friend. I am always on the go but love eating healthy. This book literally tells you what choices to make at leading restaurants and fast food places. This is really going to come in handy:

Dead in the Family, the newest (and possibly last) installment to the Sookie Stackhouse book series. My BFF gave this to me, and it has kind of become a tradition over the last few years that the new Sookie book is what I get from her, as the new book is always released the first week of May yearly:

New Moon novelty jelly bracelets (I'm a sucker for these):

A pink glass bird, picked out for me especially by my 6 year old neice. I will cherish it forever:

New Moon "Team Jacob" tote bag (I am forever Team Jacob when it comes to the Twilight Saga). I am going to use this to cart my excess junk to work. I work in a casual office that will allow it:

A tiny purse, also from a great friend, that I am actually going to adopt as a makeup bag, since I needed a new one anyway:

I also have one more gift on the way. My parents gave me cash for my birthday so I ordered a heart shaped coin purse from Coach, and will post pics when I get it.

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