Sunday, October 31, 2010

Charm of the Day: Spider

Here is another one of my Halloween charms: the spider. When my charm buddies and myself learned that a spider charm was to be released for the 2009 season, there was a lot of speculation as to what it would look like. Would it be a black widow type spider? A tarantula? Would it be really scary? Or would Juicy try to glam it up? Our questions were answered soon enough, and sadly, those (like myself) that were hoping for a scary spider were a bit disappointed. Juicy definitely released a spider with bling.

Although, I admit, when I saw it in real life, I was no longer disappointed. This charm is really beautiful in its own way. I absolutely love the detailing on the web. That alone is worth giving this charm a chance. The pearlescent sheen and the crystal detailing are absolutely gorgeous, and this charm sits beautifully on a necklace, making it a very fun one to wear.

Now, this charm is no longer available, as it was a limited edition from last year. So you are pretty much stuck with the secondary market if interested. What I have found, however, is this one is still pretty reasonably priced on the secondary market, as the popularity of this charm does not compare with a lot of other LE charms.

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